You read right, I’m going to ring in the New Year by myself tomorrow. But why you ask?
BECAUSE I WANT TO! There isn’t a special guy in my life right now, and everyone else I would want to spend it with are away or have plans with their special someone, and NO ONE wants to be the third wheel. Especially on New Years. So, instead of choosing to show up to some party by myself (Which is fun by the way, you should read my article about why I go to things alone here.) and deal with all the F*ckboys trying to get their New Year’s Kiss on, I CHOOSE ME. Believe me, it’s not fun when you know the opposite sex is on the hunt, and on a night that “sets the tone” for the rest of the year, do you really want to start it off with someone you barely know? I mean you can, I’m sure it’ll be fun, I’ve definitely done the last minute New Year’s thing before, YOU DO YOU if that’s what you choose, but this year I CHOOSE ME. Choosing You is something everyone should do more often, and since I plan on starting 2018 by choosing me what better way to start the night leading into it. Here are some things I’ll be doing to ring in the New Year…
Can’t wait to share more with you in 2018!! It’ll be a big year for The Single Girl Life. I just know it. :D Xo, Kelli @kellithinks on instagram
12/23/2017 0 Comments Last Minute Holiday Make-Up IdeasThe Holidays Are Literally Here. So if you’re a last minute shopper like me, chances are you didn’t even think about what you were going to do with your make-up for Christmas and Christmas Eve. Lucky for you, I was in the same position and reached out to Make-Up Artist Kristine Lisman. She created this fun Candy Cane and Mistletoe jeweled look sure to excite the grown-ups and children at your various parties and leave you with some Instagram worthy pictures and feeling Christmas-Y inside. Not to mention before the jewels and red lips were added you have a base that you can use ALL Year Long. Because we all LOVE gifts that keeps on giving. Here are some of the products used to create this unique holiday look!
Xo, Kelli @kellithinks on instagram |
AuthorSingle. LA Living. Loves: Traveling, Fashion, and Beauty. Has A Really Cute Doggy. Constantly Navigating my Crazy Thoughts on Dating and Men. Ready for the Journey? CategoriesAll And Stronger Bad@ss Women You Should Know About Boss Babe Businesses Empowered Fashion/Beauty Lifestyle Living Fearless Monthly Theme Random Thoughts Relevant Thoughts For Today's Modern Woman Travel Archives
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